Saturday, October 16, 2010



I decided to draw a jellyfish because I finally became sick of drawing self-portraits while at a loss for a model... I love marine life, and water more than anything explainable; just as much as I love art I suspect.  There's the same kind of peace and solitude in water, aquariums, and things that live in the sea as there is in drawing.  I drew the center image originally in colored pencil and then edited it digitally through Photoshop.  The other two versions are changed further using filters.  Left being "Diffused Glow" and right being "Glowing Edges", I tried others however there seems to be something about the word 'glowing' in relation to an image of a jellyfish that just appears to fit.  At this point I'm not really sure which I like best but they were fun to experiment with regardless...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Childhood Memory Portrait W.I.P.

This hat reminds me of playing the original Mario game on the original Nintendo gaming system when I was a kid.  I'm at a momentary loss of what to do with the background.  I don't think leaving it blank is the best option; however a solution still hasn't come to mind.  Graphite? Ink? A pattern? Decisions, decisions.

Charcoal Self-Portrait

Spent one night doing this portrait a few weeks ago.  Didn't come out half bad, only took about 6 hours total I believe.  I really missed charcoal, this wasn't a half bad solution to that, it's nice how quickly it is to use the medium.  I should think of something a bit larger and more complicated to create with it.